How To Spy On Your Competitors Facebook Ads

How to Spy on Your Competitors Facebook Ads

Facebook has proven to be an incredibly powerful marketing tool for businesses. It really helps to connect you to a larger client base, creates more interest in your business and allows you to create a more meaningful bond with your audience. In order to stay on top of your Facebook marketing game, you have to create ads that really capture the attention of your audience, otherwise they could scroll right past you.


Facebook Rolls Out Reactions. Now You Can Be Sad, Angry And Surprised.

Facebook Reactions

Facebook today rolled out reactions, a much-anticipated upgrade of the like button that many users have been wanting. Now you can not only like something; you can express other emotions about posts including love, laugh, be surprised, get mad or display sadness.

In their announcement post, Facebook acknowledged the need users have had for a long time to do more than just like posts:

“We’ve been listening to people and knew that there should be more ways to easily and quickly express how something you see in News Feed makes you feel.
